EP 39: Hyperthermia Treatment and Lyme with Michelle McKeon, MS, CNS, LDN

Home » EP 39: Hyperthermia Treatment and Lyme with Michelle McKeon, MS, CNS, LDN

Written by Michelle McKeon

August 9, 2022

Listen to this episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-39-hyperthermia-treatment-and-lyme-with-michelle/id1502159596?i=1000575003381

The new episode of Lyme Time featuring Ali with @TheLymeSpecialist’s Michelle McKeon, MS, CNS, LDN where we dive into all aspects of hyperthermia as a treatment for Lyme disease symptoms. Michelle discusses her own Lyme disease journey and how it developed her passion into becoming a medical practitioner herself.

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