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Lyme Disease Blog

Dental Amalgam

Dental Amalgam

Authored by Michelle McKeon In 2010, when I was first diagnosed with Lyme disease, I remember sitting in my Lyme Literate Medical Doctor’s (LLMD) office. He asked to look inside my mouth. As I...

Interview on Hyperthermia Treatment

Interview on Hyperthermia Treatment

Authored by Michelle Mckeon Hyperthermia treatment has been around for centuries as a safe and successful treatment option for various illnesses. However, recently it has become a therapy that is...

Whole-body Hyperthermia Treatment

Whole-body Hyperthermia Treatment

Authored by Michelle Mckeon A little over two years ago, I remember looking at myself in the mirror and trying to figure out who the person was that was staring back at me.  Growing up I...